Documenting my Tableau learning journey.

Likert Scale

Survey on mental wellness in Singapore.

Full visualisation available on Tableau Public.

Good for

Analysing survey data

How to create - step by step

I have used the Covid-19 tracker data for Singapore from YouGov.

Data Cleaning - MS Excel

As there are quite a number of survey questions, I have only retained 4 questions relating to mental health (PHQ questions) and some demographic data.

Blank observations were removed from my final dataset.

Data Preparation - Tableau

  1. Pivot data

  2. Rename headers

  3. Create score

  4. Create alias for score

  5. Create alias for Question

  6. Create age group

Likert Scale with neutrals by the side

  1. Create calculated fields
  • No of records

  • Count positive/negative/neutral Due to the nature of the responses, I have categorised the responses 3 types of sentiments:
    PositiveNot at all
    NeutralPrefer not to say
    NegativeSeveral days, More than half the days, Nearly everyday

  • Sentiment percentage

  1. Arrange variables

  2. Change chart type to “Bar”, Select dual axis and synchronize axis, remove measure names.

  3. Add neutral %

  4. Fix axis of neutrals to align both charts

  5. Format chart according to preference.

Here you have a likert scale chart with neutrals by the side.

However, given that the percentage of neutrals are relatively small, it may be more meaningful to have neutrals between the positive and negative responses

The usual likert scale

  1. Create calculated fields
  • Count positive/negative/neutral

  • Sentiment percentage

  1. Put it together

  2. Repeat step 3 as mentioned above - Change chart type to “Bar”, Select dual axis and synchronize axis, remove measure names.

  3. Sort % score accordingly.

There you have a likert scale chart!

Adding some interactivity

  1. Add [Question] and [Endtime] to Filters. Select show filter for both.

For Question - select Single Value (dropdown) for [Endtime] select Range of Dates.

And.. there you have it! Likert scale showcasing survey results.

I would like to thank Prof Kam of Singapore Management University for the inspiration.